Modern slavery statement
- Introduction
Landbay Partners Limited (‘Landbay’) is a regulated financial institution and opposes all forms of slavery. Slavery can include, but is not limited to:
- Human trafficking;
- Drug trafficking;
- Sex trafficking; and
- Unpaid labour.
As an ethically driven company, we will conduct all business with integrity, having a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking risks.
We make this statement to set out the steps we take to adhere to the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and to reflect a drive to eradicate modern slavery in commercial organisations within our supply chain. This statement relates to the financial year ending 31 March 2025 and will continue to apply until amended. This statement will be reviewed annually.
- Our Business Structure
The principal business activity of Landbay Partners Limited (‘Landbay’) is the provision of a range of buy-to-let mortgage loans and mortgage servicing in the UK. Our business is within the financial services sector and we are authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm No. 1007789).
Our due diligence approach reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implement and enforce effective systems and controls to ensure that slavery (including human trafficking, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, and national minimum wage violations) is not taking place at any point in our supply chains.
- Our policies on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
Landbay has a number of policies governing the prevention of modern slavery and human trafficking and emphasises our commitment to use best endeavors to ensure this does not take place in any party of our business or supply chain.
- Whistleblowing Policy
Our Whistleblowing Policy encourages employees to play a key role in preventing and detecting wrongdoings within the company. Employees are encouraged to raise their concerns about any suspected or known criminal conduct or any other type of misconduct taking place through the company, its customers or third parties. Employees can raise disclosures using the procedures set out in Landbay’s Whistleblowing Policy
- Employment Policies
Landbay is committed to treating all employees with respect and posits integrity at the heart of this. We aim to foster an environment that is free from discrimination, harassment and any form of bonded or forced labour.
We have procedures in place governing our employment practices and, in particular, we ensure:
- Recruitment processes operate in line with local labour laws, including ‘right to work’ document checks, contracts of employment, and checks to ensure all employees are above the minimum working age.
- All employees are made aware of their employment terms and conditions as written in their employment contracts, employee policies and internal communications.
- Employees receive training, including but not limited to diversity and inclusion, money laundering, third-party risk management and bribery and corruption.
- Regular reviews of remuneration (including pay and reward) to ensure these remain aligned to industry benchmarks.
- Third-Party Due Diligence
Landbay undertakes a high degree of due diligence over our third party relationships to ensure the management and oversight of these risks operates effectively and prevents any breach of these standards. To help identify and monitor the risk of slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain we conduct pre-contracting due diligence and ongoing due diligence on third parties taking into account the following risk factors:
- The country the third-party operates in (and has supply chains in);
- The sector the third-party operates in;
- The products produced, manufactured or supplied by the third-party;
- Whether the third party outsources to another party (i.e. a fourth party) under a subcontracting agreement.
- Contractual Obligation
Our suppliers have a contractual obligation to ensure compliance with all applicable laws that apply to their supply of goods and services to us, regardless of the jurisdiction in which they operate. This includes the UK Modern Slavery Act and any local legislation that is aimed at combating modern slavery.
- Training
We are committed to continuing to raise awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking within the organisation to help employees understand and recognise the impacts of these on people’s lives. Our approach seeks to minimise the risks in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking and empower our employees to recognise instances of modern slavery, know how to report their suspicions and where they can go for support. The Government Modern Slavery Helpline is also available on 0800 0121700.
- Approval
This statement was approved by the Board of Directors of Landbay on 06 February 2024 and is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the financial year ending 31 March 20232.
This statement was signed by a Director of Landbay on 06 February 2024.